Living Selflessly In A ‘Selfie’ World

March 11, 2018 – Pastor Steve Troglio

Scriptures: 2 Timothy 3:1-9, Matthew 16:24, Mark 8:34, Luke 9:23, Romans 6:6

This Week: We are blessed beyond measure, but have become more self consumed than ever before. The ultimate reason for people having a huge void in their heart because they are missing God. People are trying to fill it with a better way other than God.

“Selfie”: Selfies define more than just a picture of ones self, but it really is the exposure of man. Selfies show that their is a lacking in peoples lives for others approval. If you’re trying to gain your self-esteem through other’s, you’re looking in the wrong place. You will only find your self-esteem in Jesus Christ.

Living Selfless: Through Christ and through Him alone, it is POSSIBLE to live SELFLESS in a “Selfie” World.

2 Timothy 3:1-9 – Describes the world that we are currently living in.

Condition of our hearts: You can’t ignore the truth. We are living in an ungodly world and we can’t ignore the signs. Families are being destroyed, marriages are a joke, discipline of children is becoming nonexistent and training kids to be strong productive people is unheard of.

We can’t be lovers of pleasure, but need to be lovers of God. We need to be careful that we don’t allow ungodliness into our lives.

You can’t hear a worm crawling into the ground, but you can see the little whole they create. We need to make sure that these things are crawling into our lives.

Vs. 8-9 – is describing the true condition of what is in a persons life. If you have a self-centered life this is what your life is all about. This is what your focus all about, it’s all about you and nothing else. There is no room for God at all. It is all filled with just you. God doesn’t want to share you. He wants to have us and us to have Him.

God doesn’t want you to have a phone loaded of selfies of yourself but an album of pictures of you and Him. This is never going to be easy or comes naturally, but it’s something we have to fight for and it is possible. We can only do this when let go of our selfish desires.

Prayer: Lord, show me the areas in my life that I am selfish. Show me where I have insecurity and the places that I have allowed other things to replace You. Remove these areas and fill my heart with the things of You.


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1 Comment
  1. Brooke 6 years ago

    Thanks Lineman. This is very good.


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